Wednesday, February 17, 2010


A post with (gasp!) no pictures.  Sorry.  It's not that I don't have photos to share.  I'm just being lazy.

We've had a few casualties this week.  Three pairs of jeans to be exact.  Two of them were Reagan's and one pair was Skylar's.  Holes in the knees.  *sigh* When my mom was running a clothing business she took a few classes in fashion.  I remember her telling me that each piece of clothing has a "lifespan."  A certain shirt may have a "life" of 30 washings.  So, it could last a couple months if you wear it often, or a few years if you don't have it in the rotation.  The problem arises when you purchase or receive clothing that was previously owned (as I often do!).  I love a bargain!  So I'm not usually surprised when those items end up with holes in the knees after a couple months.  But since I don't pay much, or sometimes nothing at all, it's not usually a big deal.  But one pair of Reagan's jeans were purchased BRAND NEW (of course not at full price, but that's beside the point), in August.  That's six months! What in the world could she be doing at school that she could wear through denim in a matter of months?

So, I did what every thrifty mother does....I told her we could put a patch over the holes and her jeans would be good as new.  We're not talking those rectangular dark denim patches our mothers sewed onto our jeans.  They have MUCH cuter options now (like hearts, flowers, or butterflies).  Her response? "You can put a patch on them, but I probably won't wear them.  I don't think anyone else wears patches on their jeans."   *sigh* I knew the day would come....I'm officially uncool.  :)

On a sidenote: the only brand of jeans that I have been able to hand down from Reagan to Skylar are GAP.  I guess you really do get what you pay for.  


  1. I just read somewhere that Sears has some sort of guarantee on their kids clothing, that they will replace them for free if they wear out before your child grows out of them. I am going to look into that because Micah goes through his jeans so fast too!

  2. For the record...I don't think moms can every truly be lazy. We are either busy or drained! Too funny about the patches. I'd be happy if my kid would actually wear jeans! E. prefers comfy clothes and M. only wears dresses! LOL.

  3. Oh dear. I don't want to be the uncool mom, but sheesh, you can't be buying new jeans every few months :) We don't have too many problems with holes, mostly that the girls seem to grow so fast that they grow right out of them!

  4. If you think girls are hard on jeans, you should try boys, I think Josiah has maybe 1 pair that doesn't have holes in them. I am going to have to patch them, and you could always tell her she is a trend setter with all the cool applique on her jeans. Sears does have that policy, we just checked into it, they will replace the jeans with the same size, I think it has to be their brand though.

  5. Gotta love Sears, right Jamie? The program is called KidVantage. I learned about it from a mom of 3 boys. It's cool because even if Jadon has outgrown the shoes or pants that need to be replaced, I get them replaced anyway. It's free! Costs no more than the time and gas it takes to get you to the store (not available online). Then Caleb gets brand-new hand-me-downs. Doing this, I have jeans right now in the hand-me-down trunk just waiting for him to grow into the size with price tags on them! And lucky you Sears (and every other store) has a much bigger selection for girls.


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