We've been busy bees around here. We're not traveling the globe or anything. Just playing, eating, sleeping, and enjoying each day.
Some of my teacher friends are already doing the "countdown" back to school and it's making me sad.
Reagan is doing VBS this week.
Brian and I celebrated our anniversary last week. Nine years. We even went away for a night! It was so nice! But hot outside.
It's hot.
Very. Very. Hot. We're having a heat wave (aka summer).
We had a freak monsoon blow through last week. I loved watching the lightning and hearing the thunder. It reminded me of all the summer storms back east.
I've lost some motivation to cook lately. Praying it comes back soon.
I have a whole post I'm writing about running but haven't run in a week. Ironic.
I hope you are having a good summer. One of these days I will catch up....
Until then...enjoy this video: (be sure to scroll down and pause my playlist so you can hear the video and not the music)
Baileys version of "Jesus Loves Me"