Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Off my butt, on my knees

Lately I have found my prayer life challenged.  I have always prayed, but with the chaos of daily life, I have slowly become stagnant in my focused prayer time.  Sure, I still mutter, "Please God, give me patience" but it's usually when the noise decibals are breaking the sound barrier, the baby is crying, the older girls are fighting, the doorbell is ringing, the dogs are barking, and the phone starts ringing.  Needless to say, not so "focused." :D 

My grandfather, a man I respect more than I could describe, has always been the prayer "warrior" for our family.  He is getting older, and we all know that he won't be around much longer.  I know he sits twice a day and mentions each person in our family by name during his prayer time.  Wow! What a commitment.  He has always told me, "There's a band of Angels waiting for you.  All you have to do is ask." I used to say "well it's easy for him because he doesn't have much else to do," but that's a copout.  You know it. I know it.  I ran across a quote from Martin Luther that said, "Some days I have so much to do that I have to spend two hours in prayer instead of one, in order to get everything done."  If only I could adopt that philosophy. Give my day to God before I go about screwing it all up.  

Additionally, I was listening to a sermon about the "Legacy" of Christ.  He challenged listeners to think of what kind of "legacy" they want to leave for their children.  Needless to say, conviction set in.  I have tried to teach my children by example of how to manage their money, how to care for others, how to make good choices, how to be a good friend, etc.  But have I shown them how to pray? Sadly, no. 

SO, this past week, I have been making it a POINT to show my children how to pray. Not just for meals.  Not just at night.  But following the example of my grandfather, and in Philippians "Do not be anxious for anything, but ask for everything through prayer!" 

Skylar came to me with an "owie" so we prayed for it.  Reagan told me that a girl in her class had made fun of her, so we prayed that the little girl would be nicer.  

And, as I have started to pray, the needs have started to pile up.  There was a sweet girl I went to church with when I was growing up named Ruthie (fitting name).  She had a "prayer list" that she would write down each need on, and pray daily for that need. As the need was answered, she would cross it off her list.  I remember that her "list" was pages and pages long.  She had them taped to the wall next to her bed.  But, for a visual gal like myself, that's exactly what I need.  So I started writing down "needs." As I have started to pray (and see them ANSWERED!!), the list grows.  This little boy is one I have been praying for this past week:

Prayers for Stellan

His mom keeps a blog at www.mycharmingkids.net 
I know there's a lot of hurt, and pain in the world; but as I have prayed for others, I have found that my own "needs" are not so desperate. 

I challenge you to do the same.  Step outside of your routine, spend some time hanging out with God, and ask Him for your own band of Angels.  
Sweet Jesus, come soon!   


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