Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You missed me, you know you did

I'm back! But without pictures :( Sorry. I haven't unpacked/found/located/looked for the camera charger yet. And of course it died after taking like THREE pictures. I promise to post photos as soon as I find it. Well, shortly thereafter.

Just because I"m posting doesn't mean I am out of the whirlwind yet. But I was afraid that you all might think I had dropped off the edge of the planet. I wanted to reassure you that things are good! I'm living amongst boxes, but things are still good :D I've learned a lot through this move. Maybe someday I'll share my top ten moving lessons with you :D But for now, a funny conversation I had....
I'm a moron...apparently. At least according to a lady that I was talking to about furniture. We don't have a lot of furniture for our house so we have had to buy a few pieces here and there to fill in the gaps. I was explaining to a lady at an antique store what I was looking for and she said, "Oh, you like shabby?" My response, "Not shabby so much, as vintage." I don't mind distressed finishes, but I don't care for the ones that have ACTUAL paint flaking off of them. I went on to tell her that I like vintage pieces that have been refinished or painted. I don't care for "fussy" decorating either. I'm not a knick-knack kind of gal. So she said, "Oh, you like modern vintage?" I said, "isn't that the opposite?" Her reply....are you ready for this...??? "Oh, that makes you one of those morons."

hmmm, ok.

I'm a moron.

I like vintage furniture, done in a modern way.


Then it finally dawned on me.....what she meant to say was that I was an OXYmoron.

We both had a fun chuckle over that. And she offered to give me 10 percent off of anything just for calling me a name. Not too shabby! :)


  1. Hey, I'll be a moron if it saves me money of furniture! Way to go!

  2. She said that? She must've been really nice for you to figure out what she really meant. That is funny!

  3. That is too funny! Glad your back. ;o)

  4. Too funny - glad you figured it out with her :) Glad your back in some capacity - I have missed you!


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